Friday, May 23, 2008

Wii Fit for kids

The Nintendo Wii Fit, a excercise and fitness game for the Nintendo Wii game console was released this week. It comes with a ton of games and a Balance Board.
Just a few of the games for kids are: Soccer Heading, Ski Slalom, SKi Jump, Hula Hoop and Basic Step (similar to the Dance Dance Revolution game)

Like most of the games on the Wii game console, it gets your kid up off the couch and excercising. There are also some great fitness and aerobics games for parents too:
Yoga, Strength Training and Aerobics

Unless you pre-ordered they are hard to get your hands on one. But, if you can, the Wii Fit is a great game for kids and parents too.


Anonymous said...

I lucked into getting one the day it came out! I happened to be at Target at the right time! We love ours!! The kids are having so much fun and honestly so am I!

Proud Parents OC said...

Thanks for writing lane boyz mom,

The Wii Fit is fun, huh. We love ours too! We also got so lucky: a worker at a local video game store sold me one out of the trunk of this car. Apparently these guys buy them up and sell them on eBay for profit to parents like you and me. I guess he saw how determined I was to bring one home for our family and sold me one for $100 (going for up to $150 on ebay).

I hope these come back in stock for the memorial day weekend. SUCH a FUN way to to exercise with kids.